Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Valley surgeon heads up test of aneurysm treatment - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Rodriguez, the director of peripheral vascular services at the ArizonaHearty Institute, has been named the national principa investigator for the Phasde II study, which is required by the to enroll 160 patients. The Arizonas Heart Institute is one of 14 centers involvedc in thestudy nationwide. “Wd are looking to include at least six more centersd to complete 20 centers in the Rodriguez said.
The endoluminalp graft is manufactured bynear Glasgow, Called the Anaconda Stent Graft it allows the surgeon to repositio the device once it has been placed across the So far, nearly 4,000 patients in Europe have receivex the Anaconda device, but it must get approval from the FDA beforw it can be used in the U.S. Rodriguez said the minimallyy invasive procedure onthe study’s first patient went saying the device is very easy to use. “He was up on his feet the next morningbhaving breakfast,” Rodriguez said of the patient. “You can’t do that when you open the This eliminates the need for openheart surgery.
” Abdominal aortic aneurysm, or “ballooning” of the body’s main is a serious condition prone to rupture and lead to suddenb death. Actor John Ritteer died of an aortic rupturein 2003. Symptoms can occudr suddenly with severe, sharp pain in the Patients who experience these symptomzs should seek immediatemedical attention, Rodriguez said. Early detectiobn can prevent sudden death. Patient with a family history of aortifc aneurysm or other connective tissue disordersa should notify their physician aboutg their risk ofaortic aneurysm, he said.

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