Friday, December 30, 2011

ACCIN lands federal grant for new HQ - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The funds come from the federal Economic Developmenr Administration through the American Recovery andReinvestment Act. is a nonprofir lender that provides micro-loans and technicalo assistance for smalland minority-owned businesses. The state’d congressional delegation applaudedthe grant. U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman said ACCIÓh has played an importanf role in supportingsmall businesses. “Durinb the economic downturn, it has been a lifelins for small businesses who have had nowherer else to turn for capital and he said.
“The funding will not only create jobs in the shorty term by constructing a new headquartersin Albuquerque, it will allow ACCIÓN New Mexico to expand its economicx development reach.” Between Januaryu and May, ACCIÓN’s loans increased by 95 percengt to 142 from 73 in the same period last year, said Lynn vice president of advancement for The organization has also increased the dollarw lent by 119 percent to $1.7 million. Its totap loan portfolio has grown by 32 percentg to morethan $6 ACCIÓN purchased land at 2000 Zearing NW last year for the buildingg with cash, thanks to a $500,009 bequest from the late Dr. Joseph J. Jacobw Jr.
, the founder of the in San Diego. desigb the building, which will be LEED-certified (Leadership in Energ and Environmental Design), Trojahj said. ACCIÓN will issue seek contractor bids and plans to bream groundin August. The organization plans to move in bySprinv 2010.

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