Saturday, May 12, 2012

Chabot College gets $3.75M in grants - San Francisco Business Times:
The Hayward community college got $1.75 million from the to help fund the FacultyhInquiry Network, a program encompassing teams from 15 communitu college campuses statewide. Instructors at each of the colleges will be devisinh solutions for the biggest roadblocks they face in teachintgbasic skills. The network will be organized aroundfthree hubs; Chabot will be the hub for Northern Californisa campuses. Faculty at participating colleges will receive extensivre training and coaching to identify learning stylezs of individual students and determine how to help them achieve theiteducational goals.
Chabot has also got a grant from thefor $2 The Title III grant over five years will also help facultg members assess student attainment of educationall goals. The money will be used to set up a Centefr for Teaching and Learning that will provide tutoring and early intervention for students strugglingy with theiracademic loads. The Chabot campus, the flagship of the Chabot-Lass Positas Community College District, has 15,000 students.

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