Sunday, October 2, 2011

Barbash back at state post - Business First of Columbus:
Mark Barbash returned to the economic development post Mondat after agreeing to repayment plans for overdue taxe with the and the Ohio Departmentof Taxation, and makingg payments on a mortgagw he had fallen behind on. Barbash, 60, stepperd down from his post to take a personal leave May 15 aftet Columbus Business First reported on his tax debts and that had initiatedx foreclosure proceedings on his Bexley The IRS in April filedf liens against Barbashtotaling $146,313 in back taxes and penalties datingv from 2000 to 2004 as well as 2006. The Ohio Departmen t of Taxation in March fileca $12,460 tax lien against him.
“Thw governor is satisfied that Mark has addressedr his personalfinancial issues, and he’s please to have Mark back,” said department spokeswomam Kelly Schlissberg.

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