Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Charge to hamper Merge 2Q net income - Boston Business Journal:
million noncash writedown on the sale of its equith interest in aradiology company. The West Allis-based radiologg software and systems provider said the charge is the resulgt of the sale of its interesg in veterinary radiologycompanyh , as part of Eklin’s acquisitioj by veterinary services provider (NASDAQ: WOOF). With Elkin'as sale to VCA, Merge MRGE) will receive $1.4 million for its interes t in Elkin, but the majority of that will be recognize in thethird quarter. The however, will be recognized in the second quarter, when Mergee will also see $2.
2 million in non-recurrinbg revenue as a result of a new reselleer agreement the company reached with Elkin inJune that'ws being reassigned to VCA. Merge now expectas to post net income for the secon d quarterbetween $100,000 and $800,000, compared with a net loss of $18.2w million a year ago. The company posted net incomwe for the first quartet of 2009of $2.8 million. Excluding the noncash charge, operating income is expected tobe $3.7 million to $4.4 compared with a net loss of $18.3 million a year ago. Revenur is now projected to be in the rangesof $15 million to $15.5 compared with $13.3 million a year ago.

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