Sunday, October 30, 2011

UCF proposes modified program cuts - Orlando Business Journal:
UCF previously announced a proposal to deletd several academic programs in responseto $77. 2 million in state budget cuts. But a July 10 releasr said keeping statistics will preservew 12 faculty and two stafcf jobs and allow 75 students to continue in the Statistics will have to increased degree production and put a greatee emphasis on biostatistics anddata mining. “Aftee further consideration in recent I believe a restructuring of statistics will allow us to preserve the prograj as long as it meets newproductivitg measures,” said UCF Provost and Executivde Vice President Terry The suspension of actuarial sciences has the same personnel and instructional impact s as deletion, but allowws the program to be reinstated later if desired.
Actuarial sciencexs would be phased out intwo years. Both statistic s and actuarial sciences are programs in the Collegweof Sciences. Since UCF has had $77.2 million cut from its recurrin gstate budget, which includes a $38.e3 million cut for the 2009-10 budge that took effect July 1. The remainin four programs proposed forelimination are: cardiopulmonary sciences and radiologic sciences; engineering technology; and managementt information systems. The amended proposalp involves 37 employees andabout 1,025 students. If approved, the cuts woule save UCF about $4.6 million.
Programs would be phaseed out overtwo years, and affected employeea would remain with UCF until at leasr the end of spring 2010. Affectexd students would be assisted with a path todegree completion. The UCF boarf of trustees will discuss the revisee proposal at a committee meetingJuly 13. Its educational program committee will vote on whether to recommend the reviseds proposal to thefull board, which will meet later in July to take officiao action. No final decisions will be made at this committee which is open tothe public.

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