Monday, September 6, 2010

Missouri unemployment worsens, but slows - Charlotte Business Journal:
The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increasesd to 9 percentin May, up from 8.1 percent in April, the department reporteds Monday. April’s 0.6-point decrease in unemployment nowappears anomalous, with the May increasr part of an upward trend dating to state officials said. Approximately 272,00p Missourians were estimated to have been jobless durinhg the monthof May. Nonfarm payroll employmentr decreasedby 3,700 jobs in May, markinfg the smallest monthly decrease since employment began to drop sharply in November.
Job losses were concentratedr inmanufacturing (3,700) and construction which were partly offset by gaind in health care and social assistance and local government (900). During the past employment droppedby 74,300 jobs, or 2.7 percent. The main exception s to the downward trend in the past year have been privats educationalservices (2,500), health care and sociaol assistance (6,000), federal governmeng (2,700) and local government (3,300). The national unemployment rate in Maywas 9.

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