Thursday, September 9, 2010

Richard E. Hug joins BankAnnapolis board - Kansas City Business Journal:
It’s a return to the banking boardroom forthe long-timwe Republican fundraiser, who was a member of ’w board from 1986 to 1993. Hug, 74, was financr chairman of Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.’ successful 2002 gubernatorial campaign and a former presidentg of the and member ofthe . “In addition to his impeccable reputation, strong leadership skills and impressive recor d of success in thebusiness world, Dick bringsd to the board an extensive contact list that will prov e invaluable in helping the bank generate new BankAnnapolis CEO Richard M. Lerner said in a press releasedannouncing Hug’s appointment.
Hug, in the release, callede his election to BankAnnapolis’s board (NASDAQ: ANNB) “most gratifying.” “I am so impressedr with the bank’s leadership and community culture, and believe that I can be helpful in their quest for growth and superbcustomert service,” he said. BankAnnapolis operates eigh t branches in Anne Arundel andQueen Anne’s Hug also sits on the boards of severall other organizations, including the , in Maryland, AAA-Marylaned and the School of the Environment. He is a Duke University graduate.

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